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Farewell... For Now Not Forever

I love Mommy's Block Party and this community of amazing women and sister's in Christ.

As much as I love being a part of something so special, I will be taking a few months to focus on some exciting new endeavors that God has brought my way. 

I always strive to view every new change as a blessing and I know this will be just that! I do hope to return to this lovely family if and when God brings that to pass. My good friend is the owner and EIC of Mommy's Block Party and she has been so gracious to support my time away. Writing has always been an outlet for me. As a child, I would answer the dreaded question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" with one word: writer. It's always been a dormant dream and being a part of MBP helped me to reawaken that passion. 

In the next few months, I will be taking on a new position which will enable me to do something else that I love: work with children. My degree is in Psychology with a concentration of child and adolescent development. Before I had kids, I worked with kids in varying capacities. Now that my boys are both in middle school, I'm stepping back in and getting my feet wet!

I will still consider myself a part of this team and will enjoy checking in frequently to see what my MBP friends are up to! 

Until next time,


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