Happy Friday, friends! It feels so good to be home after almost two weeks of being on the road with my family. We had a great time while we were away, but I'll tell ya- there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed! This weekend, we're tucking back into projects around our house. In fact, my husband has been at it in our kitchen all week. He's been wiring the kitchen, doing a little plumbing, and getting the room ready for drywall! My heart has been doing happy little leaps all week!
I've been trying my best to keep the kids busy and out of the way while Sacha has been working on the house. He's had to turn the water and power off and on, go up under the house, and do a lot of drilling, cutting, and other dangerous stuff, so keeping the girls occupied has been my main job all week.
B was away for the majority of the week with his middle school youth group. They went on a mission trip to PA, and had a wonderful time. Bean really missed her bro, though, so I needed to make sure she had a great week of her own while he was away.
We planned our own Girls Camp for the week and enjoyed activities like painting our own canvases to hang in our playroom, shopping, playing, and having fun on our new splash pad (see photo above- Costco, $14.99). Bean got to enjoy a sleepover at Grammy and Pop's house and even got to go to the movies with her dad to see ELEMENTAL this week. We took a family walk on one of our local trails, and went out for ice cream one night, too. I'd say we had a great week and enjoyed a lot of fun activities without having to travel out of town.
Over the next few weeks before school starts, we'll be crossing off lots of local activities from our summer bucket list. We'll take a day trip up to the mountains to see Sacha's grandparents, and I'm hoping to make a quick beach trip happen, too. Four weeks left of summer break, y'all... and we're going to make the most of it. Hopefully, I'll have a semi-functional kitchen by the time school starts.
What are you doing these last few weeks of summer break?
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