It's Friday! Yes, it's really true... it's Friday! For me, this week has both flown by and slagged. A week filled with activities will do that. From the busyness of getting kids to and from school and all of their extra-curricular activities coupled with meetings, rehearsals, doctor's appointments, and work, not to mention working on our home renovation, I am ready to relax! Relax? What even is that, anyway?
My weekend will look much like my day-to-day this week. Play practice, birthday parties, church, working on the house, work. I can't even remember the last time I had a break. What does a break look like? If I had even thirty minutes to myself, I would go for a haircut... something I haven't had in over a year. Five minutes? I don't know, maybe I would clip my nails, or slather on some lotion. A little self-care time would do me so much good. There's no time for that, though... lots of people to take care of, a home to build and pull together, a garden to tend, errands to run, and laundry to do. So much to do.
My husband asked if we could have dinner together last night... just the two of us. I mentioned something about the possibility the other day. I just chuckled because the reality is- we can't, and I know that. The last time we had dinner alone was at least two years ago. Everything since then is a blur. We make grand plans in our heads and then life reminds us that we have three littles. I'm all for enjoying our time with them because they are growing up faster than I want them to.
So, we'll spend our Friday afternoon and evening working outside at our new house while the weather is nice. Maybe we'll have a picnic supper in our new dining room. Tomorrow, I'll look forward to seeing the walls ready to be painted in my master bedroom. Two new light fixtures arrived this week... maybe they'll be installed. Every day, we're getting closer to move-in time. Praise the Lord for that, because these past ten months have been tough on us all.
What are your plans for this weekend?
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