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Signs That You May Need a New Drainage System



If you've noticed any of these signs, it could mean that your drain is clogged and you might need to install the new stainless steel drain grate. If this is the case, you need to call a plumber right away.

Slow Drains

  • Your drainage system can get clogged. If you've noticed your drains backing up, or if water is pooling around your pipes and drain lines, the problem may be that leaves and other debris have been washed into them by rainwater. You can address this issue by using a drain cleaner to clear out the pipes.

  • Drainage systems can get damaged during storms or other extreme weather events like hurricanes or floods. If there's flooding in your area, you should immediately turn off power to your home's plumbing system to prevent further damage from occurring as a result of electrical currents running through it (this could damage wiring). Once power has been turned off, call a professional plumber who will inspect your plumbing system for signs of damage before beginning repairs so they know exactly what needs replacing and how much work will be required when they come out, later on, to ensure that everything works properly again once everything is repaired.*

  • Drainage systems can break down over time due to wear-and-tear caused by regular use; many homeowners find themselves needing new ones installed when their current ones no longer function properly after years spent working hard for them.* If left untreated long enough ~~and~~ if left untreated long enough

Bathtub Backups

If you've ever had a bathtub backup, then you know how inconvenient it is. Not only do you have to use buckets and pans to get rid of the water in your tub, but also your bathroom will smell bad as well (and possibly even become moldy). If this is something that has happened to you before, then it's time for some maintenance on your drainage system!

First things first: get out any hair or other debris that may be clogging up the drain. You can do this by pouring down some baking soda and letting it sit overnight (or until the next morning), followed by pouring boiling water down the drain to help loosen up anything else that might be stuck in there. If these methods don't work for whatever reason (for example, if there's no soap scum buildup), try using a toilet auger instead—this could be particularly useful if roots are growing into the drain pipe from outside your house."

Water in Your Basement

If you find water in your basement, it's a good indication that something is wrong with your drainage system. Water can come from either the sewer or the storm drain and can be caused by a leaky pipe, appliance, or roof. You might also see water on the surface of your lawn and garden.

When you notice water in your basement:

  • Make sure to turn off all power switches before entering a flooded area so that you don't accidentally shock yourself.

  • If there is standing water, turn off the main circuit breaker to stop any electricity from running through the wires while they're wet (this could lead to electrocution).

  • Call an electrician if you need help dealing with electrical issues related to flooding; call a plumber if it seems like there may be damage underfoot that could affect other parts of your home (like mold growth).

Cracks in Your Walls and Foundation

If you notice cracks in the walls, foundation, or flooring, likely, your drainage system is not working properly. Cracks can occur for some reasons including water pooling up and freezing during the winter months.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is the second most common plumbing problem in the United States. Water pressure can be affected by several factors including sediment build-up, age, and plumbing materials.

To check for low water pressure, turn off all faucets and then start a sink full of water as you test each fixture in your home. If you cannot get any water out through one or two fixtures during this test, call a plumber immediately. Once you have determined which fixtures are not working properly and are at risk for damage due to inadequate flow rates (such as showers), install an aerator on these devices so that they will receive more water from your system.

Why should I have my drainage system checked? Low water pressure can cause several problems within your home including clogged drains; damaged fixtures; mold growth; flooding damage caused by overflowing tanks or toilets; water heaters that do not work properly due to inadequate heating capacity created by low temperatures required when using multiple shower heads simultaneously without proper efficiency measures being taken beforehand."

Unpleasant Smells

If you smell something unpleasant, try to determine if it's coming from outside or inside. The source of an odor can be as simple as a plugged drain or broken pipe. If you're hearing water running in an area where there shouldn't be any water flowing, that could indicate that there's a leak—or worse yet, that the pipes are broken and leaking sewage into your walls!

If you've already ruled out other possibilities (such as animals trapped in the drain), it's likely time for new drains. Try using Drano or another chemical drain cleaner to unclog sewer lines and see if this solves your problem; otherwise, call a plumber immediately so they can inspect your system and repair it before things get any worse.

If you see any of these signs, you should call a plumber to take a look at your system as soon as possible.

  • If you see any of these signs, you should call a plumber to take a look at your system as soon as possible:

  • A major leak. While it's common for pipes to leak occasionally and in small amounts, if this happens regularly or the amount of water is significant—even just once—it's worth contacting a professional.

  • A pipe that looks different than the others in your home. Whether it's because of its color or the way it feels when you touch it, if something doesn't seem right with a pipe in your home, get it checked out by an expert before attempting repairs yourself. You could end up causing more damage than good by trying to fix things on your own without experience or knowledge of what needs to be done!

  • An odor comes from within a wall or under floorboards while no one is using running water nearby (or even outside). This could mean mold growth somewhere inside your house; call someone now so they can come to check things out ASAP before they get worse!


If you see any of these signs, you should call a plumber to take a look at your system as soon as possible.

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