Most parents feel they have failed if they are advised to keep their child back a year. However, this isn’t the right way to look at it. Sometimes, allowing your child to repeat a year, regardless of whether that’s kindergarten or the final year at school, is the best way to help them reach their potential.
Naturally, you need to have an understanding of the educational facility, such as this Croydon early learning centre. They should be supportive of your aims for your child. In most cases, the staff will appreciate it’s the best option for your child.
Keeping a child back a year can lead to several advantages:
Breaking Bad Friendships
Children develop at different rates and your child may be struggling with the material simply because they are younger and not quite ready to learn. However, they could also be influenced by other children, some of which may not share your positive approach to schooling. This can lead to disruptive behaviour.
Keeping your child back a year means they’ll need to start new friendships, it can make a big difference in how they approach their studies.
Improved Focus
While you will have agonized over what is the right decision for your child, you may find that your child is embarrassed to be repeating kindergarten. It’s a good idea to tell them there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Of course, that embarrassment can help them focus more the second time around. After all, they won’t want to repeat the year a second time.
They Need Time
Sometimes, you simply know that your child isn’t ready for the next step. Keeping them at kindergarten for an extra year helps them to develop emotionally and physically. This can make a big difference in their approach to work and how well they do at school.
It doesn’t matter if they are struggling with physical issues such as toilet training, or mentally unprepared for ‘big’ school. You know they need more time and there is no better reason to have them repeat kindergarten.
Remember, there is no right or wrong approach, you simply need to think about what is best for your child.
The Disadvantages
There are some disadvantages you should be aware of
Focus Issues
Keeping your child back a year can help them to focus more fully on the subjects and lessons being taught. However, it can also have the opposite effect. Children may feel like they know everything that is going to happen and have mastered as much as they want to. This means they will lose interest in the subjects and potentially become disruptive in class.
The Label
Once your child has stayed down a year they will always be behind. It’s much easier to repeat a year than it is to jump a year. Unfortunately, while the decision may be what is best for your child, others will not appreciate this and your child will be labelled accordingly. This stigma can stay with them through their school years.
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