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What's The Word? My Theme Word For the 2021/2022 School Year

While my children were in school full time last year, there were so many challenging adjustments made to their day to ensure safety for all.

This year, many of the previous adjustments that were made have been lifted and while our school is making amazing concessions to ensure the health and wellness of our children, in many ways, we are getting back to normalcy for the first time in quite a while!

I can feel it. 

My kids can feel it. 

Yesterday, my two boys had their orientations for fourth and fifth grades. I've always enjoyed the fact that with my boys being a year apart, we get to repeat a grade the following year for my younger son because the material and experiences still feel fresh to me. This year may veer a bit from my usual sense of familiarity considering last year was such a departure from a typical experience and there are brand new teachers aboard! 

Orientation went swimmingly for both of my boys and in truest "youngest sibling" fashion, my guy asked his new teacher if he would be allowed to bring toys to school. Insert "crazy face" emoji here! While Lincoln excels academically with just a toe dip of effort, he struggles to have much interest in anything that prohibits his play time. He has come such a long way and matured exponentially in this area in the last year! We are very proud of him and his academic achievements, but mostly, we find ourselves praying that he can stay focused on the mark and keep his heart and mind seeking Jesus. 

My oldest enters the door to fifth grade tomorrow morning, with a new spot across campus. Our school spans the entire life cycle of the student and fifth graders break away from the younger elementary students by a hop, skip and jump across the parking lot. Something about that distance feels symbolic to me this year as I see my little boy growing up and maturing into a downright incredible guy right before my eyes. He is going to have an amazing year, diving deeper into important literature, exploring scientific processes and learning more about why he believes what he believes about the Lord. I'm truly SO excited for both of my boys, but I had found myself slightly unsettled.

I thought maybe it was because I wasn't ready for summer to end. 
The days spent at the community pool are fading as quickly as our sun kissed cheeks and I am yearning for one more day in the sun. 

While this is true, this isn't me. I enjoy all aspects of life! I love when the year ends and my boys are crawling out of their skin to finish school. I love the buzz of the first day of a new year! I enjoy the change of seasons and am not afraid of change. I realized that my heart felt slightly unsettled and my prayers for my children felt as though they needed a destination. 

A word began to surface in my mind. A word that I believe God placed on my heart to be somewhat of a beacon as we sail uncharted waters.


As a Christian, I believe grace reflects the unmerited favor of God. By nothing of my own doing, I have received unconditional love from God and He sent His only son to earth, to die... for me. 


As a loving human, I believe grace reflects the ability to have patience, forgive and give chances. 

When I think of grace in terms of the upcoming school year, peace engulfs me. I know I will need it. I know I will give it. I know my children will require it. Entering a brand new year, after everything we have been through and are still going through with our world, my mind is stayed on Christ and echoes of "grace" permeate my soul. 

For me, grace shares a cab with peace. They ride together, toward the same destination. As my children climb out of the vehicle tomorrow morning and walk toward the school building, I pray they walk boldly forward with full confidence of what lies behind them and complete peace about what may lie ahead. May there be grace shown to them and may they extend grace to others, every single day. 

We are all in this together. In one way or another, we are all students beginning a new year, slamming the door of yesterday behind and walking onward toward tomorrow. 

From my family to yours, may grace and unending peace be with you and your children as they begin a new year.



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