Parents put so much pressure on themselves to do better and be better than their parents were. We strive to be patient, loving, and giving. However, we are human and we aren't perfect and here comes the mom guilt. There are days that my guilt is overwhelming and my children are adults now.
Here's the thing, we are human beings raising human beings and there will be conflict. We want our children to think and act for themselves. They are intended to be mini versions of us that think and believe as we do. We give the advice, the lecture, or the listening eat to be there for them.
If you raised an amazing person let go of the mom guilt. They are succeeding in life because you gave the foundation. If they are struggling through life, they need to reevaluate the choices.they made and are making. It's like the story of the 3 little pigs- your house will blow down if the foundation isn't strong enough.
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