Jubilation is a great blend for those who like to celebrate the small wins. When it comes to medium roast, this roast takes the gold! Take a sip and you are on your way to jubilee!
Jubilation has delicious tasting notes of pecans, malted milk balls, and Meyer lemons. It is a medium roast of Columbian and Nicaraguan micro-lot roasted coffee. We made it in our coffee brewer. It is sharp and tangy with lemon zestiness, followed by a crisp nuttiness. Our house prefers dark blends, but for a medium blend coffee, this was pretty good. I really love Well-Bean's fun blends!
About Well-Bean
Well-Bean is a woman-owned coffee roaster and social enterprise. Their proceeds support health and spiritual initiatives in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua, through the organization - New Song Mission Nicaragua. Profits help run rural medical-dental clinics, health supplement distribution, and feeding programs. When you buy from Well-Bean you give a gift of health to those in need and you support woman entrepreneurs in the male-dominated coffee industry.
Not only that, but by working directly with Nicaraguan farmers (instead of working through brokers), they were able to see with their own eyes the benefits of direct trade. The farmers get 50% more pay compared to other farmers in the area.
Celebrate Your Small Wins Every Day with Jubilation!
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