Whether you went to school for a while but dropped out, have always dreamed of going to college or it is something you have only recently begun to consider, as a mom, the decision to go back to school can be a tough one to make. You might wonder how you can afford the time and the money. Your family needs you, and the money you spend on your education could be going to your children's college fund instead. If you've been out of school for a long time, you might even wonder if you can be successful. Keep reading to find out how you can overcome these hurdles.
Paying for College
One of the biggest challenges may appear to be the cost of college, but you should not let this be a deterrent. There are a number of different ways to pay for your education, including taking out a student loan from a private lender that you can repay after graduation. Many people use these in addition to getting other financial assistance from sources such as scholarships.
Taking the Time
It can be tough to convince yourself that it's okay for you to take the time to go to college. After all, whether or not you work outside the home, your days probably already feel as full as they can get. On top of that, you probably worry that you will be directly taking time away from your children. However, there are other ways to look at this. You are setting a great example for your children about the importance of education and providing them with an excellent role model as you face the challenges of returning to school.
Academic Success
Another common fear for mothers returning to college is that they will not be able to keep up academically. This is a normal fear for people who have been out of an educational environment for a while, but it is rarely founded in reality. It will take you some time to adjust to the new routine, but this is true for every new college student. On top of that, you are probably more poised for success than you would have been fresh out of high school at 18. Don't be afraid to talk to your professors and others at school who are there to help you, from your advisor to the reference librarians and more.
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