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Weekends with the Wigglesworths-Easter Weekend 2021


Happy Saturday and Easter weekend, friends! Our crew is abuzz with excitement for the festivities this weekend, even though they will be low key for the second year in a row. 

Today the weather is supposed to be nice and sunny, so we'll be spending plenty of time outdoors. The girls have planned out a real life 'Among Us' adventure and I'm so excited to play. Of course I have a few errands to run and last minute preparations to do for tomorrow, and I am slightly on edge, but I know everything will work out as it's supposed to. 

Ya know, things may have been a little more chaotic than I have been used to, but I have seen the "blessings in disguise" side of things as well. I encourage you to seek those blessings out as well. 

Have a spectacular Saturday! 

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