Parents often wonder whether their child is gifted. The definition of a gifted child is pretty simple. A gifted child has a higher IQ as compared to his peers. The IQ of gifted students is always 140 and more and you will find only 2% of gifted children around you. Being a gifted child does not need any particular skill or medicines. According to experts, it depends upon the child’s genetic endowment and an appropriate environment. Generally, giftedness can be observed in the age group of 5 to 8 years. Here we will be discussing the ways to determine if your child is gifted.
Common Signs of a Gifted Child
Before proceeding further, we will talk about some of the common signs of
gifted children that can be observed at an early age. These signs include:
Outstanding memory
Expansive vocabulary
Heightened attentiveness
Attention span and focus
Reading at an early age
Interest in social issues
High energy levels
Passionate interest in books
Excellent reasoning ability
Excellent comprehension
Exceptional problem-solving skills
Quick learners
Active and unusual imagination
Heightened creativity
Relate well to adults
Perfectionist attitude
Generally, signs of intelligence can be seen artistically, verbally, musically and through other areas of interest.
Apart from these, there are other activities and skills which can mean your child is a gifted one. For example, if your child has started to read early then this is also a sign of a gifted child. Similarly, there are other attributes like walking, talking, questioning, bad handwriting, creative thinking and more. Moving further, we will understand a few of the ways to check the ability of your child for being gifted at an early age.
Checkout the Achievement Tests
If your child holds any one or more of these above-mentioned signs then you can conclude that your child is gifted. You can also get it reconfirmed with the psychologist at your child’s school. Two of the most prominent tests that would help you determine your child’s score is Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test which is also known as NNAT and Otis Lennon School Ability Test which is also known as OLSAT. These tests also provide you with the study material and resources to prepare well for the test. You will receive multiple practice tests, sample questions and a brief explanation of the topics. The same strategy is applied for SCAT test prep as well.
Prepare your Child for the Tests
Most of the institutes that offer gifted child tests also provide resources for preparation. You can start early so that your child gets ample time for the practice. You can develop different strategies to tackle every possible difficult question. You can let your child spend at least a day to two to cover all the required information. You may use the available notes and guides which your child has got from the school first. Make sure you maintain a fun environment while studying and preparation. This would help your child to grasp more and will eventually make him more confident to face the real test.
Understand your Child’s Scores
The very efficient way to determine whether your child is gifted or not is to analyze your child’s scores. Nowadays you will come across various tests and assessments that would help you to land upon the conclusion. These tests are named OLSAT, CogAT, New York City Gifted and Talented test, NNAT, SCAT and more. These tests are held by respective institutes. You can register for these tests either online or offline. These tests are highly popular to gauge a child’s abilities.
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