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Potty Training? Here's How To Make The Transition Easier For Your Little One

Most parents dread potty training. It can be a very difficult time, especially as it also often coincides with the time when most toddlers are at their most challenging and obnoxious. However, it needn’t be as hard to potty train your little one as you imagined. Here are some expert tips for making the transition period from diapers to the toilet a lot simpler than you thought. You can also visit proudhappymama for more expert tips.

Keep The Potty Close At Hand
Perhaps the most important tip you want to consider is to invest in several potties. Yes, it might sound ridiculous to have one in every room, but just think of the convenience. When a toddler needs to go, they need to go right now. They can’t wait until they get to the bathroom, and that’s going to mean inevitable accidents and mess on the way there. If you have a potty in the bedroom, the bathroom, the living room, and even the hallway, your little one will always have one close at hand to use when they suddenly feel the urge. Always make sure that you have one when you’re out and about too. You can actually buy travel potties that are designed to fold up and be taken along in a purse so that your toddler can use it on the go.
Use Pull-Ups
If you want to wean your little one away from diapers but you don’t want to put them in ordinary underwear just yet because of the potential mess, pull-ups are the perfect alternative. They are quick and easy to use and can be pulled up and down just like regular underwear. They are also very absorbent and so, should your little one have an accident, there won’t be any damp patches to deal with. Pull-ups can also be disposed of just like regular diapers so you won’t have to worry about extra washing.
Let Your Child Choose Their Potty
One way to encourage your reluctant child to use their potty is to allow them to choose it themselves. Often, giving children some ownership in the process makes them more likely to want to use the potty they selected, so consider taking your little one to the store when you’re making your purchase.
Choose The Right Toilet Paper
No child wants to use scratchy and painful toilet paper when they use the potty. That could put them off. They are often used to the softness of wipes, so switching to regular paper can come as a bit of a shock. You can learn more information here about how to choose the best toilet paper for your baby’s sensitive skin so that your little one can have the best possible experience when using their new potty.
Choose The Right Clothing
Many parents choose to toilet train their toddler during the summer and there’s a good reason for this. The fewer clothes your little one is wearing, the less they have to remove when they go to the potty. If your baby is running around in the backyard without any clothes on, they can easily sit on the potty and just go when they need to without having to deal with trousers or underwear. If you have to toilet train your child during the winter months, try to let him or her run around indoors naked for at least part of the day so they can get used to using the potty without the deterrence of clothing getting in the way. This will allow them to become accustomed to the sensation of using a potty rather than going in their diaper. Once they are used to the way that feels, you can introduce the idea of taking clothes off in order to go.
Add Potty Time Into The Routine
When you go through your child’s bedtime routine, add the potty in as part of it. A few minutes sitting on the potty before or after their bath and before they go to bed will help them to become more accustomed to using it.
Try these expert tips and you should find that it’s quicker and easier to transition your little one from diapers to the potty than you imagined.

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