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#Motivation Monday: Life Goes On

July was a month. And not a great one - at least, not for me. July was full of lows, disappointments, and hardships. Here is a short list of really crappy things that happened in my life during the month of July: My fiance was out of work the entire month due to an emergency appendectomy at the tail end of June, I had a falling out with a lifelong friend (who will probably never speak to me again), and I made the decision to leave my stress-filled job of two and a half years. All of those things amount to one month I'd really like to put behind me. I was never so glad to see the start of a new month. A fresh start. Hello, August! And BOY, am I glad to see you! 
It's true - Life goes on. Andrew will finally return to work this Wednesday after 6 long weeks in recovery. If this severed friendship is a true one, she and I will find a way to put this behind us. And if not, it's probably not a friendship worth having in the first place. And with any luck, August will bring a new career opportunity for me - Somewhere that values their employees and somewhere I can grow and thrive in a field I'm passionate about. For now, I'll take the extra time I have to squeeze in the last few wedding details for our October nuptials and try to remember my newest mantra: Life does, indeed, go on.

If you're stuck in a rut like me, I'm here to say - You've got this! Whatever the struggle, this too shall pass.

1 comment

  1. Hoping that lots of good things come your way in the weeks ahead!


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