Happy Saturday! I'm not sure how it happened so fast, but it's already the second to last weekend of September! This past week was a pretty busy one and I am excited to get a chance to relax, although it looks like we'll be running to a bunch of soccer games again this weekend.
I am feeling a little under the weather, but I'm desperately trying to suck it up because I want to bring the girls to the Durham Fair tonight. The fair actually opened up on Thursday, but tonight is the night to go because Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo are scheduled to perform on the main stage! I am just a wee bit obsessed with most 80's music (you know, the good stuff), so to be able to see these two live is pretty incredible to me. To be able to bring my girls along makes it even more incredible.
I watched the "Love is a Battlefield" video the other day, with D and R listening, and was totally mesmerized. I haven't seen the video in years and watching it just made me really nostalgic for the era. I've already made it known to Matt and the girls that for my 40th I NEED an 80s themed party. so hopefully on (or around) October 29th, 2019 that will be happening.
Other than soccer games and the Durham Fair, there's not too much going on for us this weekend. I'm teetering between absolute relief and a longing for a slightly more exciting life. Hope you have a weekend full of joy and excitement!
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