Hey there friends. It's finally Christmas Eve! I am so excited for this day- one of my favorite days of the year. It'll be a busy day for me, and for you, too, no doubt. I'll be working to finish up some holiday baking and cooking this morning, and then having brunch with a dear friend. After that, it's back home for last minute stuff, and then we head over to my hubby's grandparent's house for Christmas Eve dinner with family and friends. From there, we all go to church together, where we participate in the celebration of Jesus' birth, by offering our musical gifts. I can't wait to sing a special duet with my good friends. B is just bursting to see and play with his cousin C, and of course, can't wait to get home after church and head to bed, so Santa can visit our house.
Tomorrow, we'll enjoy Christmas at our house, just the three of us, and then head to Sacha's family, and later to mine- for an all day celebration of Jesus' love, love for family, and togetherness. It's in the 70's and rainy here in the Carolinas, and all week, we've been complaining that it 'doesn't feel like Christmas.' I've come to realize that just because it isn't cold outside, doesn't mean that it can't and won't still feel like Christmas. I may be running the A/C at home, but it'll still be Christmas tomorrow morning. Jesus was still born over 2000 years ago, and we're still going to celebrate his birthday, even if we're all wearing shorts.
I leave you with the song I am sharing in worship tonight, as we gather at the church, under candlelight, to celebrate our Savior's birth.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas Eve, and a very Merry Christmas!

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