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Kindness Counts #RAK

Happy Sunday! We're continung on with our Random Acts of Kindess Challenge this week, encouraging our readers to show kindness to others, and share their stories. Last week was another one of those whirlwind weeks for me. I had the pleasure of spending every morning last week at my church with 260+ children, and 50+ adult volunteers for our VBS program.

You wouldn't be able to tell by watching me, but working with kids always makes me sort of nervous. You never know what kind of mood they'll be in! I'm not a teacher, but I do teach the VBS music, which equals about four non-stop hours of singing and dancing each morning during VBS week. 

The 4-5th graders are always my toughest group. Many of them don't want to be stuck at VBS- their parents obviously made them go. It can be difficult to get them excited, and to want to participate. They weren't so much into the singing this week, but they happened to respond well to the 'God Sightings' sharing time. I was amazed by the stories the children shared with me about they ways they have recently been kind to others, or have been shown kindness, themselves. I heard incredible stories of God's love last week- kids working with their parents to cut the neighbor's grass, taking a meal to a family member, buying groceries for someone in need, dropping food off at our local food bank, etc.

The kids were God sightings to me- their committment to kindness was such a beautiful reminder of the ways we can work together to build the kingdom of God. You never know how a simple blessing will impact someone else.

Take a look at this beautiful video- it will warm your heart, and put you in the giving spirit!

Be blessed this week, and be a blessing to others, 
everywhere you go!

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