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My Must-Have Mom Apps

My baby knows it. I know it. Now you all know it. My iPhone is probably the most important non-living thing in our house (or at least tied with the wireless router...kidding...mostly!). While I am chasing the little one, making dinner, doing laundry, being a MOM, I don't have a lot of time to sit down behind my once prized laptop. Whether it is an always with me camera, an on the go juke box, an inkless grocery list, keeping up with friends and family, or scheduling a play date, my phone is always with me.


Here is my list of must have mom apps (in no order). Be sure to share with us the ones you love!

1. BabyConnect
In Mr. G's first 8 months, this app was a lifesaver. It helped me establish routines for his sleeping, eating, and other, ahem, functions. You can also chart growth and keep up with medications, activities, etc. The coolest thing is that it will sync with another user, so when my husband changed a diaper or fed him a bottle, I knew exactly what time (hello, type A first time mom!). I never EVER buy apps, except, literally, this one. The $4.99 price seemed steep, but it is so so worth it.

2. FaceTime
All the grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles live out of town from us, so FaceTime became the best way for our friends and family to watch Mr. G grow. And still, if he is feeling grumpy or needs a cheer up, as soon as the FaceTime app chimes he smiles, knowing one of his favorite people will appear!

3. Meetup
We moved to a new town when Mr. G was six months old, but it wasn't nearly as hard to make friends as it was when we moved as just a family of two. I joined Meetup and found lots of local mommy and me type groups and have made some really great friends. The app notifies you of new events and lets you RSVP, which allows you to download events to your calendar and get directions.

4. PicCollage
We joke that this kid is the most photographed baby in the world. It's probably not entirely untrue, so sometimes I have to resort to photo collages in lieu of overloading the world with pictures of my baby boy. It's also an easy way to add text to a photo and message a greeting over to someone.

5. White Noise
I've told you how Mr. G is a horrible light sleeper, right? Sometimes it took TWO sound machines to help him chill out enough to not be distracted by other sounds in the house. I had his baby one, but having one on my phone was so convenient for travel. I also used it in the wee hours of the morning when my husband would stay up with the fussy little guy and I just needed a couple hours of sleep. Thankfully we have moved on from daily use of this, but I do still pop it on occasionally if we are somewhere with a lot of noise and he needs to snooze.


  1. Facetime, Meetup and PicCollage are the apps I've personally used and I love them. I will try rest of them. I will suggest you installing TutuApp and ShowBox app as well which are my personal favourite and you will love them as well. Thanks for sharing the list :)

  2. babyconnect and facetime are the best applications for connectivity. Meetup on the other end is useful for finding such amazing events nearby. I will also suggest you to download PPSSPP Gold APK for Android and UkTVNow App . These are my personal favorite.


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