Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Sr. Contributor, Jess Harris.
Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?
The weather around here is finally nice so we’re grilling out. Hamburgers or chicken, we haven’t decided yet.
Whatcha Reading?
My bible, I just got through Jonah and started Micha. I really enjoy the story of Jonah because its one of the few times that the people whom God wants to change their ways actually listen to his message.
Whatcha Been Watching?
I'm really into the new show iZombie. It’s cute and quirky but really good. I’m also into Last Man On Earth. Its totally silly but it is so funny and unrealistic!
What I'm Lovin' this Week...
The weather. Its been in the mid 80s with a nice breeze. Totally perfect!
I am so Done With...
Getting injured! I fell two weekends ago and ended up getting 7 stitches in my hand. I'm always hurting myself in ways that are totally preventable but I just cant help it.
Silliest Thing this Week...
We had a band called Reverse Order come speak to our school about bullying and they played a bunch of music for us to dance and rock out too. I had a blast just being a huge dork and dancing with all the kids and singing along to a bunch of songs they covered.
What I'm Looking Forward to...
My birthday is this Sunday, I'll be 29… again. ☺
Thanks for catching up with me this week!
I'd love to hear how you've been doing this week, too!
Leave your answer to one of the questions listed above in a comment, if you feel like it!
Have a great Thursday!
The weather has been great and I celebrated my first 29th birthday this week! :)