Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Sr. Contributor, Ondria Witt.
Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?
I am not totally sure, because I'm on vacation this week and am only in charge of cooking dinner for one night all week long! We've been having super yummy meals all week and this is our last night here.
Whatcha Reading?
Trashy romance novels- perfect beach reads!
Listening to Anything Good?
The sounds of the ocean and happy kids, playing on the beach.
Whatcha Been Watching?
Nothing- having an un-plugged week!
I Dreamed a Dream of...
A big beach house that was ours... all ours!
What I'm Lovin' this Week...
Being with family and catching some much needed rest and relaxation. The sun-bathing is pretty great, too!
I am so Done With...
The humidity... my hair looks like Monica's on that episode of FRIENDS when they went to Barbados for Ross' conference!
Silliest Thing this Week...
Our crazy sing-a-longs and family dance parties in the car on the way to the beach- a must!
Thanks for catching up with me this week! I'd love to hear how you've been doing this week, too! Pick a topic from the list and tell me about it!

Sounds like a really fun family trip