Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Founder, and Sr. Contributor, Ondria Witt.
Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?
Trader Joe's Turkey Burgers and Grilled Corn
Whatcha Reading?
Game of Thrones- just started!
Listening to Anything Good?
Depeche Mode, The Carpenters
Whatcha Been Watching?
Nothing good on TV, but we just got OZ the Great and Powerful yesterday & watched it last night. It was great! I didn't like Mila Kunis as the wicked witch, though- her yelling/screaming voice wasn't wicked enough for me. Rachel Weiss was extremely wicked and wonderful & Mila Kunis did a great job, too. Michelle Williams will forever remind me of Dawson's Creek.
I Dreamed a Dream of...
Okay, I had the craziest dream that my family was downtown in Salisbury, where we live- and we heard music coming from the square. We walked up there to see what it was about, and it was Kelly Clarkson, singing the National Anthem. No one else was around, so we stayed and listened. Then, she started singing, 'Since You've Been Gone,' and all these people rushed up, out of no where! They had to block off the streets! However, she saw us, and then came over to us because she thought Balian was adorable, and asked us if he could be in her next music video- I woke up right after that.
What I'm Lovin' this Week...
My grandmother being here. I love spending time with her, and it's a joy to watch her play with Balian!
I am so Done With...
Well, it isn't raining anymore, but man, the humidity is awful! I am COVERED with mosquito botes that itch like crazy- especially in the middle of the night!
Silliest Thing this Week...
Seeing the cute little kittens across the street from us play and hop all over their momma cat. Adorable!
Thanks for catching up with me this week!
I'd love to hear how you've been doing this week, too! Leave your answer to one of the questions listed above in a comment, if you feel like it!
Have a great Thursday!

I love the Carpenters too. And I watched Dawson's Creek religiously when I was young :) Happy Thursday. It is nice to get to know you more, Ondria.
ReplyDeleteYUM! Grilled corn is my FAV!