We've been working on potty training with Balian for a few months, now. He first expressed interest in it this summer, and I have been working pretty hard with him to get used to using the potty, and telling a grown up when he needs to go. I am a firm believer that persistence and having the right potty training gear are key for successful potty training. I've heard from both sides- boys take longer than girls, and girls take longer than boys. I don't know which is true, because this is my first experience.

Pourty- our favorite potty!
I knew that to start off, Balian would need his very own potty- a place that he could call his own and potty in peace, in his own time. I looked over tons of different potties, and finally landed on the award winning Pourty- the potty that pours! We've been using our Poutry for a couple of months, and I love it! It is easy for B to use, easy for me to pour out and clean, and it's totally portable! We have more than one bathroom, though- and just the one potty. I think a second potty or a seat cushion would be great for our guest bathroom. A toilet trainer seat, like those from Tippitoes would be wonderful to have at each of Balian's grandparents houses! This way, we won't fall behind or get off track just because we're not using the potty at our house. Hopefully, we'll be onto big boy pants in the near future!

Toilet Trainer Seat
Another must-have tool for potty training, is a step stool for the kiddos! Balian loves to wash his hands (he actually hates to have them dirty or goopy). Having a step stool that is safe, and easy for little ones to step up onto so they can wash their hands is a huge help! Washing hands tip- sing the 'Happy Birthday' song while washing to be sure you've gotten those hands good and clean!
Here are a few simple tips for getting started with potty training:
Try the potty every 15-20 minutes during the day for the first week.
Let your little one be free- as in naked for a while. They'll think to go to the potty, because they're not wearing a diaper.
Give rewards for good potty behavior- think stickers, etc, instead of food treats.
Give praise- cheer, clap and be you little one's biggest fan when they use the potty!
Be proactive while away from home- Tell teachers or play group leaders that you are potty training.
Show the boys how it's done... having a male role model to show your little boy how to pee standing up will be a big help!
Take your potty with you on the go! Portable Potties are a must-have!
Limit the liquids at night!
Read potty themed books and watch potty themed DVDs. Your child will be encouraged and ready to use the potty!
Lucky for us, Babe-equip has everything we need for little ones from tiny babe to active toddler. I wish I'd known about them sooner, because I would have purchased a great baby travel system, and other fantastic baby gear from them, like swings, bouncers, etc. They're still on my radar, though, because we're not finished having children, and although Balian is ever-so-close to turning two, he still loves to play with neat toys, and still has a few little guy needs we have to be sure to meet!
What are your best potty training tips?

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