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Welcome to a Mommy's World (Book Review & Giveaway)

One of the first things I had to learn (quickly) when I was pregnant, was to try to look at everything with a sense of humor. I miraculously escaped from having any morning sickness, so once I was able to manage minor aches and growing pains, I did try to meet everything with humor. It grew harder, though, as the months passed, and my belly grew and feet began to swell. The folks who once told me what an adorable, lovely, beautiful, glowing pregnant woman I was, flat-out looked like they pitied me during the last week of my pregnancy. True- I was huge, a week beyond my due date, and even though it was October, it was still in the 90's, temperature-wise.

The aches and pains, and hot temperatures seemed as lovely as a cool rain shower on a summery day, compared to what I endured while in labor- a labor that ended in an emergency C-Section. The days that followed were a happy, joyous, sleep-deprived blur. My baby had jaundice, I was recovering from surgery, and all I wanted to do was to go home and settle into life with my new family. When we did get to go home, I remember walking into the house with my husband, and saying, 'what now?' From that moment on, we were sucked into a whirlwind of crazy- and it's still spinning on and on!

Now, I am still just a mommy of one, but to a very curious and active toddler. I am busier than I ever imagined possible, and am still learning how to juggle and balance work, family, church, etc. So, when I was introduced to Katie Brave, and her new book, Welcome To a Mommy's World, I knew I had to take a peek at it, and share it with all of you.

Katie is a super busy SAHM to two lovely daughters, and is married. Katie and her wonderful family live in SC. Katie was excited to send me a copy of her book, Welcome to a Mommy's World, and I was excited to read it.

How cute is this book cover?

Welcome to a Mommy's World is a humorous, honest look at a mommy's life. It takes readers on a journey through pregnancy, and new mommy-hood! Katie begins her story by welcoming her readers to a 'mommy's world,' a world that only moms live in and can understand. The first page gently explains to new moms, what they're about to embark on, and the things they'll need to get through and survive- like, patience, love, and diligence. The story then moves on to a humorous look at pregnancy, through a mommy's eyes. Readers take a fantastical journey down 'Excited to be Pregnant Way,' past the pickle and ice cream trees, a dip down the 'Moody Express Way,' straight onto the Baby Superstore!

Eventually, we arrive at mommy-hood, after the baby has arrived, and mommy is frazzled, sleep-deprived, and acting like a secret agent, tip-toeing around her own home, as not to disturb her sweet little one. The mommies illustrated in 'Welcome to a Mommy's World,' are seen juggling tons of things at once- holding babies, packing lunches, carrying laundry baskets, trapping a soccer ball, etc. I love the illustrations. They're adorable, and they just make me smile, every time I see them.

Here I am- as a new mom in 2010, burping 4-week-old Balian before singing for a wedding. 
Talk about multi-tasking!

I can relate to several pages in 'Welcome to a Mommy's World,' and others, I'm sure I'll be able to relate to even more, as my sweet toddler grows, and our family does, too! Several moms I know come to mind when I read Katie's pages about setting up play dates, PTO meetings, organizing, multi-tasking, etc!

I love this book, because it celebrates moms. Our lives are absolutely stressful, and yes- we certainly do juggle quite a bit from pregnancy through mommy-hood, but we do those things because we love our children, and our families. And for any mom who has been called 'Super Woman,' the title is so fitting! Even if you haven't been deemed 'Super Mom' or 'Woman' by someone else, know that you ARE! Super Mom proudly stands as the last illustration in 'Welcome to a Mommy's World,' and I think that's an absolutely appropriate way to end the story, because it serves as a reminder to all moms that our sacrifices are not in vain.

Perfect spot for special notes to 'mommy'!

I think that Welcome to a Mommy's World would make a wonderful gift. I will certainly be keeping it in mind as I am invited to baby showers.  The last two pages in the book provide the perfect place to write a personal note to the recipient. If you're hosting a baby shower for a friend or family member, it would be a really cute idea to pick up a copy of Welcome to a Mommy's World, and have it displayed for the guests to read, and then have each shower guest write notes of advice or encouragement to the mom-to-be.

Want It? Buy It!

You can purchase your own copy of Welcome to a Mommy's World by visiting the Welcome to a Mommy's World website. Here, you will find information about the book, 10 Things Every Mommy Should Know, News and Events, and of course, the WTAMW Blog! You can also connect with Katie and Welcome to a Mommy's World on Facebook and by following on Twitter!

Want It? Win It!

One lucky reader will win their very own copy of Welcome to a Mommy's World! Just use our rafflecopter entry form below to enter for your chance to win!

Special thanks to Katie Brave for introducing me to her wonderful book, Welcome to a Mommy's World, and for offering up a copy to give away to our readers!

Good luck and thanks!

Disclosure: Other than the above featured book, which I received directly from the author, free of charge, for review purposes, I was not compensated for facilitating this review. All opinions expressed are my own. Your experience may differ. MBP is not responsible for prize fulfillment or shipment.


  1. I have an almost 3 year old (10/2009). I was working, but had to quit due to reasons. Anyway, I feel like all I ever do is run around feeling like a chicken with its head cut off! I love reading stories about moms who have been in my same boat or an entirely different boat. It's always a relief when we can relate!

    1. Hi Bianca!
      I totally understand the feeling of chicken with it's head cut off! I wrote Welcome To A Mommy's World because I knew I wasn't the only one, it's so encouraging to hear about other moms :)
      Katie Brave
      Author of Welcome To A Mommy's World

  2. A happy and proud mother of 1 bouncy, active almost two year old little girl who is currently potty training calls for loads of attention and energy. As I wake up each morning to the babbling and chatting all while still in her crib, I know that my day has officially begun. My best juggling act during the day is multi-tasking while getting her bathed and ready for bed all while making dinner, washing my hubby's work clothes for the week and some how adding in the mix of not loosing my mind at the same time and yes this all goes down in 2 hours time frame. I didn't even know I had it in me until she came in my life, LOL!

    1. Had some issues with this comment page on my laptop. My name is Frances Jones in Cola SC. Thanks!

    2. Wow! Potty training is always an interesting time to say the least lol! Keep me posted girlie:)

      Katie Brave

  3. Mother of four and iwhat kept me sane ws knowing that I wasn't alone. Yes being a mommy is a world of its own.

    M.B. Irmo Sc

  4. Right there with you on that one! -Ondria

  5. This is an awesome book which is great read for me so far. Its cover is really pretty cute. Thanks

  6. We're expecting our first in September so I don't have any tips to share yet- thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Hi Brittany!
      Congratulations on expecting your first, such a fun and exciting time!
      Katie Brave
      Author of Welcome To A Mommy's World


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