It happens every year... I set some pretty steep goals to reach every January, but usually fail to meet any of them. I set myself up for failure, though- making my goals sort of ridiculous. This year, I thought I'd jot down some goals I think I can make happen. It's always better to write them down- that way, to me, they are real goals and they're not just sort of floating around in my head! I have both personal goals and business goals this year, as I should!
Get to a better place in my relationship with God, and have a better attitude toward my church and its leaders.
Get back to a regular exercise routine.
Spend more time with my son... playing, reading, teaching...
Learn to drive a stick shift.
Spend more time in the kitchen.
Be a better church volunteer and manage my responsibilities a little better.
Organize a dedicated workspace in my home for writing and business needs.
Attend a bloggers conference... or two.
Take a family vacation, just B, Sacha and myself.
Get this blog organized and post something every day!
Take more pictures and share them with my family.
Write some new music.
Be better about working my Celebrating Home business and find new people to introduce it to.
This list could go on for days, but this is a good start. I feel like these are goals I can truly achieve if I simply manage my time a little bit better. I don't want to have to be a wee hours of the morning or midnight blogger, when I should be in bed! I want to be a normal stay at home mom, who works part-time from home (um- yeah, this blogging thing actually is work!) and can spend an amazing day with her child, while making some money, connections, cleaning house, cooking, etc. I have an idea in my head of the type of woman and mom I want to be, and the things I want to make happen for my family. And God and I have not been talking too much recently. I've been having issues with stuff going on at my church, and it's having a negative effect on my relationship with God and my faith life. I have to adjust my attitude before anything can change, and I may just have to take some major leaps of faith to get there... God, help me. No, really- please, help me.
None of this can or will happen without a lot of hard work and dedication on my end, but I know it's possible, and it's possible for anyone who sets new goals for 2012 to reach them. I have faith in myself, in my God, in my family and friends... and in you guys, too!
It truly is my prayer that 2012 will be a wonderful year, that it will be filled with good health and happiness, and much success for all of you. Here's to 2012, and a wonderful new start!
Happy New Year!
PS-Even though I don't have a family and do have a job, well, cause a girl's gotta live somehow.... I firmly believe that being a stay-at-home mom equals full time work as well.. don't discount that!