I have a moment to myself to breathe! My hubby is ripping out a friend's deck tonight, and Balian's Grandma Gretchen (my M-I-L) took Balian over to her house to play for a couple of hours. Aside from the kids across the street yelling and throwing their football into my front yard and trampling my flowers, all is quiet in the Witt house.
I had a pretty productive day... taking care of lot's of Mommy Blog business, the little man, getting a couple of good walks in, lunch with my dad, and even working on a new writing project for a while. I was told not to do any housework while Balian is out of the house, but I am thinking that I'd better go wash the dishes, and fold that pesky load of laundry still sitting in the dryer.
Just a warning- you may start noticing some changes on the blog soon... good ones. I may move some things around, and The Mommy Blog team is expanding, but I'll share more about that later! :)
I promised that I'd share a few photos, so here we go...
Flowers from my mom's garden...
Balian- fell asleep while eating lunch yesterday!
Me, Sacha and Balian at Thomas and Rachel's wedding
I hope you've all had a great day, and have a wonderful Thursday night! Catch you all tomorrow!
Following you from You Like Me Blog Hop. Please follow back at http://gardenofgiveaways.blogspot.com. Thanks!!