Spring, spring... I love spring! Well, I don't love the pollen that's covering everything outdoors right now, but other than that, I really love spring! It's wonderful to walk around my property every day, inspecting my garden beds. I love looking for signs that plants are shooting up out the the flower beds. Seeing their little green shoots makes me so happy.
My husband and I have transplanted most of our garden dwellers from two previous homes. We added a few new plants last year, and created an entirely new rose garden. We set up our raised garden bed, and have added new areas for planting new garden friends.
This year, we are adding a gorgeous new hydrangea, and three azaleas, and we have twelve trees to either plant on our property, or share with friends. We do plan on planting crape myrtles, dogwoods, and eastern redbuds. I'm on the hunt for the perfect Japanese maple, and some tall border flowering shrubs, as well. I want to add some climbers to our fire pit area, and landscape with gorgeous lavender plants for the benefit of keeping mosquitoes at bay, while also providing evergreen cover during the winter months... not to mention pretty purple blooms through early fall.
For the first time in my life, I overwintered petunias! I didn't even know that was possible. My husband and I purchased some seriously lovely petunias last summer, and are stunning this spring. I have big garden plans, my husband just keeps telling me that I have to be patient. I'm bad at that, admittedly. Our century-old craftsman home is looking lovelier with every little thing that we do. We are truly putting our hearts into this home.
I can't wait to see everything in full bloom in about two months time. If you need me, I'll be in the garden.
Wishing you a fabulous Friday, filled with sunshine!
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