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Day Dates: Take What You Can


My husband and I will be married seventeen years this November. It's hard to believe how quickly the years have flown by. Five homes, life in two states, six cars, and three kids later, here we are. While the road hasn't always been easy, we've walked it hand in hand, every step of the way.

We're busy. Between day jobs, side gigs, volunteer commitments, and family life, we have little free time. Throw in a 100-year-old house to renovate, and we're grasping at hairs to find any time to or for ourselves as a couple, let alone as individuals. We steal little moments, share smiles in groups of people, and converse throughout the day via texts. It is what it is. Date nights are sparse or nonexistent. We've come to realize that dates can be anything from ten minutes to grab coffee together to a planned weekend away (which we haven't had since 2020).

One day we'll have time to ourselves again. For now, we're enjoying all of the special moments that we get to spend with our amazing kids. Piling everyone into the car and heading off on an adventure is one of the best ways I can think of to spend the day. We chat in the car while the kids entertain themselves, and that time is cherished, too.

We'll take what we can get!

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