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Mommy Bloopers

Chris has been sick the last 2 weeks... first with getting his wisdom tooth pulled and now a head cold. I made it a week into his cold and now I finally have it. 🤦‍♀️. I really don't like when he's sick because it's like watching and caring for a sick baby... all except he can use his words to tell me what's wrong. He sure can tell me bit he sure doesn't listen.  It's a standing joke between us that I can't turn off my mother mode and it's so much stronger when he's sick. Let me tell you about my mommy bloopers.
 E is always heavy on my mind. Even at 22, he's my primary focus. When he left for the military almost 4 years ago, I was lost. I wasn't sure who I was when he left. I had this little shadow by my side for 18 almost 19 years. I tend to catch myself doing the weirdest things even now, all these years later.  I call my husband bud, turn the radio down when there is a curse word in the lyrics,  and this week when asking my husband if the he took his medicine I asked if he took his boo boo medicine.  

Do any of you do the same thing? My husband laughs at me but I feel like it's part empty nest but also part just a habit 22 years in the making.

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