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Not So Wordless Wednesday: MEET MY FRIENDS


Friendships bring so much joy to my life! They each come from different paths I have taken in life and without the women pictured here, my life would not be as wonderful as it is. Where did you develop your most important friendships?

Some friendships were cultivated in high school, some from attending the same church, some from raising kids together, and some from the kindness, and validation we give others.

I would love to share my support system of friends with you in the order of how we became friends on this path of life, if I may...

Lauren...we met in high school because people told us we looked like twins. Neither of us ever saw it, but we are thankful our worlds collided. No matter how much time passes, it is always so effortless to pick right up where we left off, and the friendship, though long-distance, brings such comfort and peace to my heart. I love our visits with one another and hope there are many more to come.

Corrin...we met in a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group when our 21-year-old firstborns were about 1 year old. I felt like the Lord told me we were going to be friends and even told her so. haha Thankfully she agreed and said that she had been praying for a friend so this was an answer to her prayers, but also an answer to my heart's desire for a friend as well. We raised our kids together and went to hell and back together. So thankful for her love and wisdom over the years that continues to flow. She is a ride-or-die friend for sure!

Wiviany...we met at MOPS as well when her only child and my middle kiddo were babies. We had a long break from seeing each other, raising our babies, and being a part of each other's life, however, I am so thankful we have reconnected and are both in a place of love and acceptance of others, validating and affirming authentic living. Her peacefulness and calm spirit help me stop and smell the roses as well as look within myself for answers to tough questions.

Amy...she was my oldest brother's girlfriend. They were nine years older than me and I adored her. She was a cheerleader and so cool. Many years passed by and we accidently reconnected on a Facebook group. We both have transgender children and became cheerleaders for each other as moms and for our children. We are united in our desire for change in our country so our children feel safe to be alive in it. So thankful to be allies together!

Crystal...well, we met at my wedding. She was my ex-boyfriend's plus-one. It took two years of biding my time and waiting for her to hear from the Lord like I did that we were going to be friends. She would say that He hadn't told her that until finally she came to me and said, "OK, God says we have to be friends. Ya'll there has been no looking back. We are thick as thieves, you going down - I'm going down, "I need your help but, don't tell anyone what we are doing", besties. We play in the sandbox very well with each other because we do not agree on everything, but both know the friendship is worth it to talk it out or just be okay with disagreeing. We have been through so much together - raising our kids, loss of family members, marriages, divorce, college, remarriage, etc. We joke to anyone who will listen that we "Bring the Party" when we go anywhere. Life isn't always the best, but having a best friend like Crystal makes each day brighter.

Terry...my cousin married Terry and I am so happy she is not only family but one of my closest friends as well. She is one of the kindest, sweetest, and "say it like it is" person I know! I am so thankful that we can talk about anything and everything. I always know I have a place to stay when I visit Florida family and that we will have so much fun - drinking, playing games, doing nails, and even just watching a movie. I always look forward to when we get to hang out again.

Alicia...we met working at a school together as well as going to the same church at the time. She has the zaniest and most fun science brain EVER! I love how she is always there when I need her with a hug, smile, homemade soup, or really anything. She reminds me to stay young. She is such a good listener and will drop everything to pray with you, which is such a blessing. I know she has my back and knows just the right thing to share at just the right time to encourage me in my daily life and walk with Jesus. What a wonderful gift from God. You may recognize her because she is my fellow content creator here at Mommy's Block Party!

Natalie...we met while working at a school together. She is an artist and I am in awe of how she perseveres through life meeting challenge after challenge with a smile. When I think of the word sweet, she is the picture of the meaning. She is one of the most unselfish people in my life and is so good at loving others well, no matter what. Watching her and walking life with her is such a wonderful inspiration to not only persevere but thrive! Thankful for her encouragement and inspiration that has helped me to be a better person.

Kia...attending the same church is how we met. I honestly don't remember how we became friends because it feels like I have always known her. She is a breath of fresh air and I am always refreshed after we spend time together, no matter what we are doing. We are kindred spirits and outspoken, warrior princesses. So thankful for her strength and love for others. She has a wonderful, calming influence on my life that I know would leave a big hole if she wasn't there.

Jules...our meet-cute was at a coffee shop. Her makeup was fierce and I absolutely had to tell her I thought so. Jules is an amazing, brave, and beautiful soul. She helps me be a more understanding person and to stand up for what is important to me. I love how open she is with me and that when we hang out, all the cards are on the table. She provides a safe space for conversation about hard things and makes me more aware of how to walk with authenticity, even if it is hard. So thankful for her individuality and spunk on this journey!

Anne Marie...is a new close friend. We met at our church and then were in the same training class together for a ministry our church provides. We got to know one another in depth - quickly - in the training. It really bonded us. She is so intelligent and pursues life with gusto. Her joy oozes from her very being and pours out onto all those around her. I am thankful for the chance to get to know her and hope to spend more time together as time goes on. She is such a diamond!

The friends I have in my life bring more joy to me than I can imagine! I love that I have friendships far and near, old and new, from different backgrounds, and differing beliefs! It makes me a well-rounded person who gains knowledge and understanding from all the conversations I have with each of the ladies above. I am truly BLESSED!

I would love to hear about your friends and how they influence you! Please share about your friends in the comments!


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