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New Hair, Who Dis?


Y'all, it's finally here! Well, by the time you are reading this, I'll be a few days into my Universal/Disney vacation, and I am so excited! I've been in vacation mode for about a week leading up to the trip and have been trying to get some last-minute errands completed before we leave. One of those things was the need for a long overdue haircut! 

The last time I had a haircut was about three years ago when a hairdresser did me dirty and chopped off my long locks into a horrible bob. It was awful, and I was devastated. I wasn't sure how to style it, and I wished desperately that I could have stopped myself from making a giant mistake, but I didn't. So, I've spent the last three years growing that awful haircut out, but now I've come to the realization just because you have long hair, doesn't mean it looks good or is appropriate for someone my age. 

So off to the salon I went, and met a very nice hairstylist who was eager to get me in the chair and start washing. I told her that I wanted to cut at least 4 inches, needed layers, and wanted curtain bangs. After about 40 minutes I got to see the final product, and It's not exactly what I had hoped for, but I don't have it. The curtain bags aren't exactly curtain bangs, they're an awkward length, but according to my husband, "You'll find a way to make it work, you always do!"

Tomorrow will be the first day for me to style it on my own, and I also have to be at the airport early for a 5:00 a.m. flight, so we'll see how that goes! All, in all, I really do like my hair, and I'm proud of myself for taking the plunge and chopping it off! Plus, I'm happy that I won't have ratty, stringy hair in the way when I'm riding rides at Disney and Universal! 

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