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What I'm Listening To, Grown-Up Edition!

A few years ago, I was really struggling with my mental health and one thing that really helped me get through those tough times was listening to podcasts. Growing up my dad would always listen to "talk radio" so I just assumed that all podcasts would be similar in nature, and really had no interest in listening to them or even giving them a chance. So much to my surprise, I found myself enthralled with one on a long drive home one day. I was in awe at how quickly the host and guest of this particular show had captured my interest and continued to hold it for well over five hours. After that day, I was hooked!

 Now, I used to be the type of person to make fun of people who listen to podcasts, but I've really grown to appreciate the work that goes into making one and the broad range of subjects to choose from. I'm like almost every millennial girl in her late 30s that is interested in True Crime, but I also love a good mystery or feel-good story. I may start a podcast, listen to an episode or two and decide that it really isn't for me, and then move on to the next. With so many out there, the options are truly endless. So, with that being said, I thought I'd share some of my favorites, in no particular order:

Dr. Death:

If you like medical true crime, then you might want to check out Dr. Death on Wondery. There are three seasons, with each season focusing on a different and shockingly true story. Just remember, these stories are true, and these stories focus on how people we trust can turn out to be pure evil. 

Crime Junkies:

Crime Junkies is hosted by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat, and each episode brings to light a different case of someone who was murdered, is missing, or unsolved cases. Ashley will tell the facts of the case as she goes through the story and Brit will comment or ask questions that most of us as listeners are wondering. They have a great friendship and are likable and easy to listen to. 

The Missionary:

The Missionary focuses on Renee Bach, a young woman who, for all intents and purposes, set out to help the children of Uganda. However, the events that unfold will leave you speechless and wondering how in the world something like this happen. I was so invested in this podcast, that when it was over I could not stop thinking about it. I still to this day find myself thinking about Renee and the horrors of what she did. 

The Bobby Bones Show:

The Bobby Bones Show is a syndicated Country Music radio show, that is recorded and posted later on in podcast form. Now, I've listened to this show since 2008 before it was ever a podcast, and it was just a little radio show out of Austin, Texas. Years later, the show decided to add their episodes in a podcast form to allow their listeners to listen to the show whenever they wanted, and not just when it airs live. I really loved this because I struggled to listen to the entire show since I would be at work and couldn't listen to the radio. Now I'm able to listen at my own pace and go back to listen to my favorite episodes.


I'm a little late to Betrayal, as they are on season 2, and I just discovered it, but I am obsessed. And I'm not alone in my obsession since Hulu made a docuseries from season 1. I can't give too much away as I'm only on episode 2 of season 1, but of my goodness so much has been revealed and it makes you wonder if you can really trust the ones you love. 

Now, I'm always down to listen to episodes of 48 Hours and Dateline, and I'm always looking for a new one to listen to, so please feel free to comment your favorite ones. One thing to keep in mind, some of these podcasts are on subscription-based platforms. I usually wait a while and see if it happens to be offered on a free platform, and then I'll listen to it, although I'm considering subscribing to Wondery+, we'll see! 

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