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Think & Do Mondays


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

"Think of many things. Do one."- Portuguese Proverb.

Monday Morning= chaos. For many of us, our Monday mornings, even in the middle of the summer, are spent rushing around, trying to make sure the kiddos have everything for summer day camp, we have everything for work, the dog has been walked & fed, and we get out the door with our coffee without being too late for work. 

If you are blessed to have a slow Monday start, or perhaps you are on vacation, well props to you. I'm dreaming of those days in a couple weeks! 

Our brains are always filled with many things. Lists of things to do, lists of things we need to not forget, lists of people, lists of.. well, the lists are endless. 

Lately, I've been suffering from what I call the summer slump. It's sooo hot here in Wilmy that I don't want to do anything and I've been forgetting everything. Sure, I have a ton in my brain= so much that when I think of all the things I might be overloaded.

So, for today, the day before my birthday, I'm allowing myself to think of many things, but I definitely need to Do one. Whatever that one is, who knows. And, by God's grace, possibly I might get more than one thing done, but if I don't, thats okay too!

What's the one thing you NEED to do today? What's the one thing you WANT to do today?

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