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What Have You Been Reading

I think I'm on the read me next list for Tik Tok and Facebook. Every time I turn around another ad is showing me another book to read. My issue is I can't say no even when I have a mountain of books to read. I may have a slight problem. Who said you would need to practice saying no to books in your 40s? 

I saw an ad for Dirty Wicked Prince and it had the author reading lines from the book and I was enchanted.  I'm pretty sure this falls in the young adult genre, but it's so wonderfully written I can't seem to put it down. It is a 5 book series which follows 2 new kids and a group of popular kids that seem to have it out for the new kids. The problem is that one of those new kids comes in with a secret she didn't even know and the fallout that comes with it. 

I appreciate that while the title insinuates a risqué storyline it truly is not.  It's a story that can happen to anyone and the twists and turns have gotten me to book 3 in less than 2 days. I usually pick books based on cover art or snippets of the storyline and I  am so glad I didn't pay attention to the title or the fact that it is for young adults.  I would have missed out on a fantastic read.  What have you been reading?

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