Dear Me,
I don't know the last time I sat down for self-reflection or maybe I truly haven't. I know I have faced so many things I thought would break me... they haven't. I know I have questions that seem to go unanswered. I know my heart is still as big as it ever was and I still face heartbreak. It's part of being human. It's so easy to get stuck in the should have, could have, or might have beens..been... but in my nearly 42 years here on this planet I have to say my best focus is on my triumphs and treasures.
A Message to My Younger Self
You faced so many things and expected that you would always do so alone. You felt bullied by strangers and family and took on the role of an adult when you were still being a child. People will tell you it made you stronger... it didn't. It made you you. Your heart will always be empathetic, sympathetic, and honest. Don't hate yourself for it. Embrace it. When you grow up you will see that the person you are will give you so much peace.
You have succeeded in life. You stand before the world a perfect version of what God expected you to be. Your faults, your talents, and your strengths have empowered you. With that empowerment came your greatest triumphs and treasures.
Look around you. Is life perfect? No, but nothing is. It's time to look around you and see the beauty that surrounds you. That comes from family, friends, and strangers you meet. Everyone has a story. When you listen you will find treasure. When you rise to face the day you will see triumph.
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