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4 Nutrient Deficiencies That Affects All Age Groups


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The world’s population relies on food primarily for energy sustenance but, more importantly, for nutrition. However, there have been growing concerns about increasing nutrient deficiencies across all age groups. The most at-risk groups are children, pregnant women, the older population and those with compromised immune systems. A deeper discussion on global platforms has revealed that many people lack essential micronutrients. In the US alone, 92% of the population lacks at least one crucial vitamin, so scientific research shows that more people are taking supplements to counter the problem. Here are some common nutrient deficiencies worth knowing.

  1. Iron deficiency

Iron is one crucial mineral for vital blood functions that aid good health. Your body needs this micronutrient to produce hemoglobin, a protein whose primary role is to act as an oxygen-transporting protein. When you breathe in air, this micronutrient is responsible for deriving oxygen from your inhalation and carrying it to all the cells. Iron deficiency results in less oxygen-carrying nutrients in your red blood cells. Foods like dark, leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, red meat, poultry, and so on are high in iron. Eating more of these foods is important for maintaining iron levels. Failing to do so may result in a medical condition called anemia, where your body doesn’t have the required level of red blood cells to transport enough oxygen to the rest of your body. According to health experts, women and children are most at risk of this deficiency, which presents with symptoms like dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath and fatigue.

  1. Vitamin D deficiency

This essential micronutrient is needed for strong, healthy bones and teeth. It’s worth noting that Vitamin D doesn’t work alone but rather in conjunction with calcium to keep your bones and teeth healthy. Extreme deficiencies may increase the risk of fractures, bone pain and muscle weakness. It is particularly important for growing children, pregnant women, and people with bone density deficits. Recently, research has revealed that people living in locations with limited sunlight also have a high risk of Vitamin D deficiency. Again, aged and dark-skinned people tend to lack this micronutrient. According to research, dark skin may be more prone to this problem due to the increased melanin, preventing your system from properly processing Vitamin D. With this knowledge, taking the necessary steps to improve your Vitamin D consumption is essential. Whether you are vegan or not, you may want to try plant-based supplements like Juice Plus, which contain high doses of this mineral and more. An alternative is to eat more mushrooms, fortified tofu, cereals and other foods enriched with this vitamin. 

  1. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Your blood and nerve cells will stay healthy for prolonged periods only if your Vitamin B12 levels are good. This vitamin is critical in red blood cell formation, with oversight responsibilities on your nervous systems. Vitamin B12 is mostly sourced from animal products, explaining why this deficiency is often common among vegans and vegetarians. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vegans are mostly affected because their diet is solely plant-based. However, according to nutrition reports, you can still keep your Vitamin B12 at optimum levels using supplements enriched with B12 vitamins. It is worth noting that as you grow older, you’re likely to have high cases of B12 deficiency because as your body ages, it often loses the ability to process Vitamin B12 from foods. If you have this deficiency, you may experience persistent limb tingling, weakness, and fatigue. In this case, supplements may be highly useful.

  1. Calcium deficiency

Your efficient muscle function and healthy nerve transmissions are all thanks to the role of this vital nutrient, calcium. Unfortunately, data shows that 43% of adults lack enough calcium. It is, therefore, not surprising that 1 in 3 adults experience frequent muscle cramps after engaging in mild physical activity for twenty minutes. Studies show that calcium is the most abundant macronutrient in your body. However, many people are still deficient in this nutrient worldwide. When your body detects falling levels, it focuses on your bones and teeth, which have ample calcium stores. Over time, this causes depletion and puts you at risk of brittle bones and teeth. Thankfully, many animal and plant-based food sources contain high calcium levels beneficial to the body. However, taking some precautions with your calcium consumption is important, as too much can harm the body.

These deficiencies can negatively impact your health, making it essential to know more about their causes and effects. This way, you can be more mindful of what you eat. If you have any of these deficiencies, assessing your eating habits and incorporating more healthy foods into your diet to improve your health and quality of life is essential.

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