With a little over a week until Valentine's Day, here's your reminder to order gifts for your loved ones so that they can come in on time.
My husband (bless him) almost always waits until the very last minute for things. This includes buying gifts for holidays and special occasions. More often than not, he's scrambling at the very last minute to get something for the people he loves. In our house, the gift giving task has fallen on me for our kids and other family members. This way it takes the responsibility off of him and he only has to worry about gifts for one person - his *amazing* wife.
I know he isn't the only one like this. Maybe you are too. This is your friendly reminder on behalf of those you love to go pick out something special, for your someone special.
Need ideas?
Plan a night away! I got my husband tickets to see his favorite hockey team play. It doesn't fall on the day of Valentine's, but it is later in the week. Who wants to fight the crowded restaurants anyway? I asked my parents if they'd watch our kids for the night so that we can get a hotel room and stay in the city the hockey game is in. We will spend the next day exploring and eating yummy food, one of our favorite things to do!
At Mommy's Block Party, we have awesome partnerships, so be sure to keep an eye out for gift ideas from our contributors this week. I also came across this site with awesome Valentine's gifts for men and women alike!
Don't have any extra wiggle room your budget? This is a great list of cheap Valentine's Day date ideas!
Whatever you decide to get your loved ones, I know they will love it!
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