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Holiday Elves Comin' In Hot


Happy Wednesday, friends! I hope the start of November is bringing you a lot of JOY! We just wrapped up an amazing Halloween with family, where we shared in a lot of fun activities. I cannot wait to start decorating for Christmas, though! No, I haven't brought any of my decor out yet. This holiday season is sort of strange, because we won't be in our new home, and will be enjoying the holidays in our temporary home, instead. While I am sad that I won't be able to make our holiday home this year, I'll look forward to doing that next year.

This year, my focus will be on my kiddos- 100%. I'll be doing everything I can to make the holidays even merrier and brighter for them while we wait on the completion of our home renovation. So yes, I'll start decorating a little earlier this year, and I'll go ahead and set up a gift-wrapping station with all of the trimmings, because right now, my family needs a little Christmas, right this very minute.

I shared the photo above (that's me with my mom), because she is my partner in all things Christmas! I can't wait to deck the halls with her and do some Christmas shopping, too!

For now, I'll be fishing out some of our decor and setting up some little trees, making space to usher in the holiday season. Oh, and I might have already started playing some Christmas music, too.

No matter where we're laying our heads down this holiday season, I'm ready to put my elf hat on and BRING IT!

Are you excited about the start of the holiday season?

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