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Christian Based Banking to Further God's Kingdom Through AdelFi Banking

This is a sponsored post on behald of AdelFi Banking. All thoughts are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

When it comes to finances and financial services, it can sometimes be hard to know who you can trust. Growing up, my parents always turned to individual brokers and organizations that were faith-based. From banking services to insurance, they worked with Christian individuals and companies who were trusted, respected, and kept core Christian values at the heart of their businesses. As a Christian woman, continuing to turn to Christian companies for financial services remains important to me, and to my husband, as well.

As we age, my husband and I are placing a much higher priority on our finances. We recently purchased a new home, and have been laser-focused on paying down debt. While we have used a big bank for our joint finances throughout our married life, we're much more conscious now of where our money actually goes. We believe in supporting organizations that align with our Christian values, which is why we became interested in AdelFi.

AdelFi is a Christian credit union, offering personal and business banking opportunities for like-minded Christians. It's for everyone- for you, your family, your faith, and your future! AdelFi offers all of the programs you're used to seeing offered by banking instituations, such as savings and lending, but there is also a focus on giving. That's right- AdelFi gives back, supporting Christian ministry organizations around the world, and when you bank with AdelFi, you can feel good about where your money is going, knowing that it (and you) is supporting ministries that make a difference, sharing the Gospel. When we bank with mega banks, we may not even realize that they are helping to support and fund organizations that might not align with our Christian values. To each their own, of course, but personally, I like knowing that my money is safe and secure, and is supporting causes that I believe in.

Take a closer look at AdelFi

Did you know that younger Christian people tend to give 3x more than non-Christians? Giving is one of the things that my family has always felt strongly about. When we couldn't give financially, we gave of our time by sharing our God-given gifts and talents. Being in a better position to give of our financial resources now, we make a concentrated effort to tithe, to give to specific local ministries, and to support ministries around the world that are close to our hearts. AdelFi supports thousands of Christian ministries every year.

There aren't many companies who market their values, sadly. This means that we don't always know where our money is going when we entrust it to someone else's care. At AdelFi, you can be sure that your money matches up with like-minded Christian values. We know that we are to be good stewards, working to further God's kingdom in all aspects of life. AdelFi supports fellow Christian businesses and understands the need to promote the intersection of faith and finances.  Daily purchase interactions should have a form of tithing daily.  Where you bank has a ripple effect on how resources get used or recycled within the Christian community.  Banking with AdelFi means more support to fellow Christian consumers, businesses, churches, non-profits, and causes. AdelFi is Christian banking you can trust and feel good about. AdelFi is not-for-profit, where monies go to God's streets to benefit those who need it most.

I'm so glad I was able to learn more about AdelFi and have my eyes opened to where my money may be going when banking elsewhere. I'm ready to do more to support God's kingdom here. Won't you consider joining AdelFi today?

Learn More About AdelFi

To learn more about AdelFi Banking and why you should consider banking with this wonderful Christian company, head on over to their website.
Connect with AdelFi on Facebook and Instagram.

Blessings on your week,

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