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My Last Baby is Turning One Tomorrow!


How is it possible that my youngest babe will turn one tomorrow? Her first year of life has just flown by. She was thrust into life with a busy family, with an older brother and sister, along with lots of other family members who quickly fell in love with her.

With each of my children, I have cherished their infancy. I have been blessed with a super flexible job which allows me to take time to just be mom. With so many milestones within a baby's first year, I've been at each of their sided for every single one. 

Baby C and I have a sweet bond. Just sitting with her and nursing her has been a gift to me in a season of transition for our family. While we still don't get a lot of sleep, I know those sleepless nights will soon fade, and I'll have another kiddo who's too big for my arms to carry. For now, I'll savor each cuddle, every nearly toothless smile, and sweet baby babble. 

Baby C is happy, healthy, and the sweetest addition to our family. I didn't know just how much we would need her this past year. Most days, she's busy doing all the things that babies do... trying to walk, talk, and giving mommy the stink eye and a run for her money. She has so much love to give her family, truly loving each of us differently. 

In a couple of weeks, we will gather with family and friends to celebrate our girl... our last baby, and what a joyous time it will be!

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