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It's August!? Start the New Month with a Fresh Attitude


I saw a meme the other day that showed some of the characters from Disney Encanto singing 'We don't talk about August, no, no, no...' If you've seen Encanto, you're probably familiar with 'We Don't Talk About Bruno,' and can sing this in your head word for word. I know my own kids had that song on repeat for months after seeing Encanto for the first time last fall. Back to the meme, I had to laugh at it, as I could imagine this being every teacher's personal anthem through the month of July, and maybe for parents, too.

I'm not sure which camp I fall into this year- the camp where parents can't wait to send kids back to school, or the camp where parents wish summer would last forever. There are certainly challenges to summer break and during the school year for parents and teachers, so I'm not sure that one is actually better than the other. Personally, I'll miss the lazy summer mornings of not having to rush out the door, and I have never wished for school to start so I could get back to rigorous meal planning and packing lunch boxes. No, no, no.

For our family, August means that school comes front and center in our lives once again. My husband works in education, so he's getting back into the swing of things for teaching and managing fine arts departments, and the kids are transitioning to a new school. Lots of excitement, and lots of anxiety- for them, and for me. There's a lot of last-minute shopping to get everyone everything they need to start the year off successfully, and for my super Type-A self, there's a lot of organization happening day to day to keep us all on track.

At Mommy's Block Party, we're well on our way to fall and Holiday '22, so you can imagine there might be a bit of stress that comes with prepping for Christmas this early on (while prepping for the holidays for our own families, too). I often cringe when August rolls around because it signifies stress with so much happening between work, school, church, and other activities. This year, however, I'm choosing to look away from that stress. Letting stress and anxiety take control is the worst thing I could let happen, so here I am, arms open wide, shouting, 'Bring it on, August- I'm ready!'

Okay, I'm not really ready, but the fake it 'til I make it mentality is definitely there. Why worry? God doesn't promise us days without struggles or pain, but the Word reminds us to be of good cheer. Jesus has overcome the world. Our obstacles are fleeting.  Whatever August brings your way, I hope that you can look out over this new month with fresh eyes, an open and clear mind, and a clean heart. God's going to do something in your life (and mine)- He's always working.

Wishing you a beautiful month ahead, filled with God's goodness.

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