Happy Monday, all! As we start a new week, I always like to share a good and kind word. Life has been rather upside down for my family since springtime. We're rolling ahead and making progress on our home renovations, though we're still not living in said home. Most days, we pack up and head to the new house to pitch in and help my husband (in the limited ways kids and a lady with a baby can help). Even if the kids just play on the swing or ride scooters in the driveway, and I check on and water plants, we feel like we're helping.
We were skeptical as to whether or not we'd like the area of our new home. It's on a busier street than we're used to living on, and in a completely different part of the county (for me). Since our fence isn't up yet (coming within the next couple of weeks- yay!), everyone driving by has been slowing down and peering out their windows to see all of the changes we've been making to the house and property. Neighbors and strangers have been smiling and shouting 'the house looks great!' as they've been driving by... even folks out jogging have been stopping mid-run to say 'hello' and tell us how good the house looks.
Kindness goes so far. It's been such a stressful transition for our family to purchase and renovate this home. To know that people 'see us' and see/appreciate the hard work we've been putting in just makes my heart soar. It lets me know that we're where we're supposed to be, though it's all very new and different.
A kind word can be so uplifting and encouraging. We tend to offer these kind words up to people we know, but today, I'm encouraging you to share kindness with a stranger. You never know how a small act of kindness can turn someone's day- or life around.
In a world where you can be anything- Be Kind!
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