After a Winter of being stuck indoors either because of the cold or because of restrictions and lockdowns in different regions, this Spring is going to be a time of liberated happiness and carefree celebration.
Just like us, our pet dogs also get to feel a sense of relief, especially because they may have lacked the regular exercise and sunshine they need while being stuck at home all winter.
Even though Spring is a good time to let your dogs enjoy the warm sun and cool breeze, it’s also important to take some precautionary measures that will keep your dog safe while also letting him make the most of this season of refreshment!
In this article, we’re going to be talking about the different things you can do from your side to keep your dog healthy, happy, and active during the next few weeks - let’s get started!
Protect them from dust
Your family may be getting ready to turn the house upside down during this year’s spring cleaning.
While that’s a great idea, do remember that dust and strong cleaning detergents can be irritants to your pet’s nostrils, so it’s important to keep them away from anything that could potentially trigger allergies in them.
Here are some steps you can take to make sure your dog doesn’t ingest anything harmful, or sniff something that could damage his sensitive nose:
Keep detergents, washing powders, bleach, and chemicals away from your dog and out of reach, especially if he has the tendency of sniffing or licking anything around the house.
If you’re cleaning a surface with a strong chemical, it’s best to keep your dog away from the area for a while to prevent him from licking the surface full of chemicals right after it has been cleaned.
If he has the habit of trying to drink water from the toilet bowl (though you really should train him out of that), be sure to keep the toilet locked if you’re recently cleaned it with strong cleansers.
Cover dustbins that contain all the dust from the cleaning, and don’t forget to store the vacuum cleaner away if the pouch is full of dust.
Give your dog nutrition and exercise
Now that your pet can finally roam freely outdoors, he’s going to be spending more energy than he did during the Winter. This means that you may have to slightly increase his food intake to make sure he’s getting enough nutrition that’s proportionate to his exercise.
This is especially true if you reduced his daily portions of food over the Winter since he wasn’t able to go on regular walks and get the exercise he needed.
It’s also a good idea to include more nutrition into his regular diet, such as these probiotic supplements which are meant to build up good gut bacteria, prevent allergy-related issues, boost his immunity, and help keep his digestion and gut healthy.
Groom his coat
If you let him go on regular walks, play in the fields, or roam freely in your backyard, that’s definitely going to keep him both happy and healthy. However, you’ll also need to regularly groom his coat, especially if he has long fur.
This is because playing outside can cause his fur to get matted, and he may also get fleas, ticks, and lice because it’s Spring and these parasites are more common this year round.
That’s why regular bathing and hair brushing will help you keep an eye out for any infection or parasite, and treat it before it spreads through the rest of his fur. It’s also wise to take notice of whether he keeps itching himself or not.
If you aren’t able to find any lice yourself but you’ve noticed him scratching himself excessively, you could take him for a monthly visit to the dog-groomers, just to be on the safer side.
Now that your pet can finally roam freely outdoors, he’s going to be spending more energy than he did during the Winter.
ReplyDeleteThis means that you may have to slightly increase his food intake to make sure he’s getting enough nutrition that’s proportionate to his exercise.
This is especially true if you reduced his daily portions of food over the Winter since he wasn’t able to go on regular walks and get the exercise he needed.
It’s also a good idea to include more nutrition into his regular diet, such as these probiotic supplements which are meant to build up good gut bacteria, prevent allergy-related issues, boost his immunity, and help keep his digestion and gut healthy.
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