How did you spend your holidays? Normally, I stay around my home for Christmas because I'm so exhausted from Advent Chaos that I don't want to be around people or travel (or end up with some sort of illness preventing travel).
After the last almost 2 years of crazy, I decided that traveling back up to my hometown was necessary. I haven't lived in the town I grew up in 20 years. I get back about once a year.. if I'm lucky, twice. Each time I go, I'm amazed at the changes. From where I currently reside, it's about a 6.5 hour drive north.
Growing up, the city of Salisbury, MD, seemed so small. Now it seems to be full of development, people, and lots of changes!
Honestly, there are very few places that exist that will induce the nostalgic factor. My high school was rebuilt sometime in the last 10+ years. The old Salisbury Mall, that I used to walk to with my grandfather because it was literally across the street, was demolished sometime in my college years. Restaurants seem to close, be bought out, and change rapidly (even in the short time between June and now I noticed differences!). Heck, I couldn't even navigate some of the streets because bypasses, lights, and one ways have all been introduced!
I stayed with my sister and her family over the holidays. She bought property in a new housing development and has a wonderful home. We spent our days playing with my niece and nephew, the 9 month old puppy, visiting with my mom, and of course- eating and laughing.
We also visited the little free zoo located at our City Park and met up with some folks I haven't seen in years! It's always fun to run into people you have lost contact with- or only connect to via FB. Some things don't change.. like the offerings of bison, llamas, and flamingos at the Zoo.
My niece did request a girls only trip so we decided to spend one night and a day out of town. Seeing the Christmas light show at Longwood Gardens and heading to Chocolate World in Hershey was a perfect way to spend some holiday magic together. If you haven't been to either place- check them out because they are pretty awesome.
Of course- we did our fair share of eating. Like I said, there was very little nostalgia surrounding restaurants. The ones I remember don't exist (or were not open because of the season (ie- Crab Houses!).
Yet, Dayton's Restaurant is still up and running. A typical mom and pop diner, it offers .. well.. all unhealthy food. Yet, every Thursday morning I gathered at this place before school for a bible study/breakfast. It's one of my mom's favorites, so we ate there before I headed back south. The food is really unmemorable, just like I remembered, but its a place full of life. Most of the workers know their regulars by name and even order. Since it was NY Day, we did have to wait for a table because it was packed! This shows how popular it was!
I realized that while my hometown will always be my home town, no matter how much it changes, it is no longer my "home". After living away for 20 years, it no longer feels like home or I no longer get the nostalia factor when driving up Rt. 13 past Princess Anne into Salisbury. Some of that is because the folks I love and know are gone- whether they are no longer physically with us or moved to different locations- and some of that is because I have my own home now.
It is nice to be back to my home in NC, even if its is away from family and some friends I long to see. I hope that 2022 brings us lots of opportunities to feel renewed, get away, and stay connected with our love ones- both in our present homes and any places along our journey that may have once been our homes!
How did you spend your holidays? I know this year was difficult for many, so I hope you found some joy and light no matter what you did this season.
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