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Do Frogs Make Good Pets?

 Frogs are pets that need to be appreciated from a distance, and not to be handled, pet, or cuddled frequently.

Frogs can make great pets for the right person. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to keep, make great display animals, can be long-lived, low maintenance, create different educational opportunities for children, and also have that exotic factor going for them!

However, they won't greet you at the gate, fetch the ball with their tail wagging, or cuddle up on the sofa while watching a movie. Therefore, keeping frogs as pets is not for everyone. But for some, they are ideal. 

If you are considering the option, here are some basics about pet frogs that will help you understand whether it is the correct pet for you.

Caring for Pet Frogs

With proper care, frogs kept in captivity may live quite a long time. As a result, be prepared to commit for an extended period of time. The average lifespan of a frog is usually four to fifteen years, even some frogs have been known to live longer. 

Although some people think pet frogs are boring, several smaller frogs are actually very active. However, many larger frogs are sluggish and do not move around much. Because of their sensitive, special skin, frogs are not a pet that should be handled regularly.

Keep in mind that, if you travel frequently and need to leave town for several days at a time, it can be hard to find someone to take care of your frogs.

Housing Frogs

Glass aquariums are probably the best enclosures as they offer clear viewing, last a lifetime, and are easy to clean. Plastic enclosures can be low-priced, but with time they can become corroded from UV light. Usually, a 90 cm aquarium is suitable for up to three frogs. 

Line the base with clean pebbles and add palm peat,  wood, and rocks. Aquarium plants will give visual interest and also areas for frogs to sit on and hide under.

Some palms and ficus, or bromeliads will do great in an indoor enclosure, but you must take care of them with soil as it can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria if water gets clogged. Keep plants in small pots that rest on gravel inside a larger tray or container that allows excess water to drain from the soil and can be captured and cleared before it becomes stagnant.

Make sure the enclosure is secure enough to prevent the frog from escaping. Keep the enclosure away from direct sunlight and areas where there are aerosol sprays, cigarette smoke, or cooking fumes.


The temperature of the enclosure needs to be similar to their natural environment, so it is essential that it is moist and warm. Frogs can die if it is kept below 10 °C for a long period of time. 

The most effective way to keep an enclosure warm is to use an aquarium heater, placed in the water. Heating the water between 23 °C and 25 °C should induce an air temperature of around 17 °C and also put moisture into the air. Adding some kind of water feature, like a waterfall, can elevate evaporation and build an optimal level of humidity too.


Keep the lights on a timer and let it be on for a minimum of six hours a day to make sure the frog gets the required level of UV rays and to keep the plants lush.

Assure that the fluorescent fitting is approximately 40 cm from the aquarium's base since UV rays only radiate at that distance. Take care, however, that the light does not travel through glass or plastic prior to beginning the aquariums, since this will magnify the power of the light.


Frogs are amphibians. They absorb water through their skin rather than drinking, therefore a good supply of water should be maintained at all times. 

Tap water that is not treated contains too much chlorine for frogs, therefore needs proper treatment with a frog-friendly chlorine-neutralizing and water conditioning product. This will boost the water quality and prevent fungal infections.

Add pebbles and sticks to the pond to provide escape routes for juvenile frogs to the dry region. While frogs might climb grass, juveniles lack the muscle and may die if they are unable to escape.


Frogs are insectivorous and eat different kinds of moths, flies, cockroaches, crickets, mealworms, and grasshoppers to get the required minerals and vitamins. Keeping those insects in the house may be an issue when there is a possibility of those insects being in contact with garden or household chemicals. 

Most of the frogs are active at night. So it is wise to let the insects loose before going to sleep and enjoy watching them catch their dinner. You can also feed them live insects on a tweezer.

Dust insects with a multivitamin or calcium powder every three or four feeds before placing them in the aquarium to avoid calcium deficiency. Do not offer them meat as this will cause extra strain on the organs, leading to organ damage or even death. 

Some adult frogs even take pinky mice. You can buy live prey at your local pet store. Frogs take very little food during winter, probably only once a month. Get rid of dead insects fast so that they do not rot in the water or tank. 


Frogs usually reach their breeding size at about 11 to 12 months and produce about 2000 to 3000 eggs at a time. They can spawn in only 10 cm of water. Eventually, the eggs hatch into tadpoles which need to be separated into a different container.

Keep the tadpoles in a container or tank in a warm area without direct sunlight. Treat the water in the tank with the appropriate chemicals, change the water at least once a week, and put sloping rocks in the tank so that they can climb on them when they mature into frogs.

Good Frog Species for Beginners

Do some research on the individual frogs as well to make sure both you and your frog can be happy afterward.

  • Dwarf Frogs: they are completely aquatic, active, small, and are among the easiest of frogs to keep in captivity.

  • Oriental Fire Bellied Toads: These are semi-terrestrial frogs that are reasonably active and comparatively easy to keep as pets.

  • Pacman Frogs: these are mostly terrestrial and quite easy to take care of, but are quite sedentary and get pretty large. 

  • White's Tree Frog: these are docile and easy to keep terrestrial tree frogs. But they are reasonably inactive, which makes them boring for some people. 

  • African Clawed Frogs: They are quite large aquatic frogs but easy to take care of. 

Frogs in the wild are facing population reduction and extinction, mostly because of human activities. Unfortunately, the pet trade is one of the reasons for this extinction crisis. For this reason, make sure to get one that is captive-bred locally. Avoid capturing wild frogs and keeping them as pets.

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