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Weekends with the Wigglesworths- Wrapping Things Up

Happy Saturday, friends! It's hard to believe that we have a little less than a week until Christmas and a little less than 2 weeks until we bid adieu to the most bizarre year I think most of us have ever experienced.  

This weekend the girls and I will be wrapping up the gifts we have left to wrap, but over the course of the next (almost) 2 weeks, I'm hoping to wrap a few other things up as well. Of course, in this instance, I'm using "wrap up" to mean to end or conclude things. 

Over the last 9 months, I've had the opportunity to (probably overly) analyze lots of things in my life. I've noticed that oftentimes I make activities (and people) a priority when they don't deserve to be. I go out of my way to be polite and accommodating without receiving even a fraction of the same kindness. I let things that bother me slide, keeping things bottled up until I inevitably explode. Those behaviors, and quite a few more, are things I hope to 'wrap up' and leave behind along with all the other crumminess of 2020. Life is short and we deserve to live it in a way that truly satisfies us and brings us joy!

What are some things you are hoping to "wrap up" or end during these last few days of the year? I'd love to chat with you, so be sure to leave a comment or catch up with me on the MBP Facebook Page! 

Have a satisfying Saturday!


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