2020 has been a drag and a year most of us would like to never repeat or hear about again. I am one of those people that has been afflicted by chaos and depression so deep this year that I didn't think I'd ever come out the other side. For a lot of people, this year just added to the already conflicting thoughts and feelings they deal with daily. The holidays bring forth a lot of emotions and depression is one of them. I don't have all the answers but I would like to share with you my coping mechanisms for when depression gets the best of me.
Please remind yourself that to the world you are one person, but to one person you are their world.
Remember that it is the season for giving- Give yourself forgiveness, kindness, and understanding.
Reach out to friends/family- They may be struggling too. It is okay not to be okay. Lean on them and let them help you through.
Gift shopping- Pick something for yourself- You deserve it,
Feel like crying, yelling, or a combination of both- Do it! You can have a meltdown for a minute and then wipe those tears and tell yourself, " I am mom, hear me roar. I am a mom and I've got this."
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