At the moment, we're enveloped in fall and Halloween decor. Since I decorate on a pretty tight budget, I like to look for DIY projects that I can have a little fun with, and ones that will leave me with lasting decor that can be used again and again. I saw a really cute idea for a pumpkin topiary and planter on Pinterest, and decided to let it serve as my inspiration for my own take on the project.
To make this lovely stacked planter, you will need the following items:
3 Plastic Pumpkin pails
Paint (white and black)
Ribbon (I used black and white buffalo plaid)
Rocks or bricks
Potting Soil
Plants of choice
I could only find the gigantic pumpkin pails at my local Walmart. I scoured every store in town looking for smaller ones, but alas, there were none to be found. I figured the larger ones would also work for what I had in mind, so I purchased two black ones, and one orange one. I wanted my topiary to match my black and white decor theme on my porch, so I kept the black pumpkins as they were, and painted the orange one white, planning to stack that one in the middle.
After I painted the orange pumpkin white (which took two coats of paint for enough coverage), I took the pumpkins outside, and began to put my topiary together. I filled one of the black pails with potting soil, and added a colorful red coleus plant in the back, two small yellow mums in the middle, and creeping Jenny strands at the front. You could use any plants you like!
I placed about four bricks each in the other black pumpkin pail, and in the white one. One I figured out where I wanted to place my topiary planter, I put a black pumpkin pail as the base, stacked the white one on top, and then the other black one filled with plants at the very top. The bricks helped to stabilize the stacked planter and keep it from toppling over. The top pail is rather heavy with the added potting
soil and plants.
I love the way the planter turned out. I added the black and white ribbon to give it a little extra oomph. On Halloween, I plan on turning the middle pumpkin pail around, so the Jack o'lantern face will be showing. One of the reasons why I didn't bolt the pails together was to be able to switch them from front to back if I wanted to. I love versatility! Watering is easy, as there were already drainage holes in the bottom of each pail. If yours don't have them, you will want to add at least one.
I plan to keep the planter out through Thanksgiving, until I am ready to switch over to Christmas decor (which I also can't wait for!). This project cost me around $20.00 to make, and I know I will get a lot of use out of it over the years. Maybe next year I'll switch it up and add lights!
What do you think of this cute little project? Is is something you'd like to try your hand at making?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, and if you do decide to make this- I'd love to know how it turned out for you!
Drop me a comment below or over on MBP social media:
@mommysblockparty on FB
@mommysblckparty on Twitter and IG
Happy fall, y'all!
That is a cute idea Ondria. I love the decor!