Management can be defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives. Moreover, management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials, and money. It is maintained that the basic task of management includes both marketing and innovation. Actually, modern management practices study of low-efficiency and failures of certain enterprises. To sum up, management includes the interlinked functions of organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization's resources in order to achieve the needed objectives. There are two fundamental concepts: knowledge and educational management and to deeper understand the key difference it is necessary to delve into basics.
Knowledge management (KM)
Knowledge management involved some particular tactics and steps established in order to assess, capture, structure, identify, and share an organization's intellectual assets to strengthen its performance and competitiveness. A lot of scientists stated that many large corporations, public institutions, and non-government organizations have resources dedicated to internal KM efforts, usually as a part of their huge business strategy, IT, or HR departments.
Knowledge management concentrates especially on organizational goals like improving the performance of the company's sales, designing new merits, innovation policy, unification and endless improvement of the enterprise. These goals might cross with organizational learning and may be distinguished from that by an immense concentration on the run of knowledge as a business tactics asset and on encouraging the sharing and valuing of knowledge.
Educational management
Educational management is determined as the management of the whole education system where a common group combines material and human resources in order to supervise, planning, designing a strategy, and implementing structures to execute the features of an education system.
Educational management is generally associated with first grades of schools as well as with higher education institutions such as universities. Educational management top professionals might act as policy-makers, deep researchers, or consultants to help assess and establish new ways to enrich and strengthen the educational system at all levels. It is stated that Knowledge management (KM) is an emerging field in the large education sector. A lot of respectful people and institutions are actively taking part in KM-related activities.
These practices are aimed at:
- Improving information sharing throughout the enterprise or business as a whole.
- Implementing knowledge management practices to enhance the assessment of possible outcomes.
- Implementing cutting-edge technologies that facilitate information flow.
One example of implementing technologies that improve information flow is when learners strive to use a thesis writing service. Students nowadays are used to looking up to essay services to find out what is going on in researching world and what fresh ideas they can obtain in orders to start working on their own papers.
It is necessary to stress that educational management can be promoted when linked to new progressive technology and ICT. Schools and universities can implement technologies that improve information flow. Nowadays Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Mobile Assisted Language Learning and Online educational platforms are key factors in improving information flow and educational management systems.
Through MALL, for example, learners can learn the English language everywhere and at any time. They can share ideas, courses, ppts, YouTube videos, definitions, e-mails, etc. Moreover, they can improve their language skills by downloading Educational applications from Google Play Store.
A modern teacher must reckon with the fact that information and communication technology (ICT) learning has firmly entered contemporary life. The use of new information technologies expands the framework of the educational process, enhances its practical orientation, helps to increase students' motivation in the educational process, the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge and create conditions for their successful self-realization in the future. A computer in the educational process is not a mechanical teacher, not a deputy or an analog of the teacher, but an active means of developing learners, strengthening and expanding the possibilities of their cognitive activity. Computers provide a teacher with the opportunity to free up time for creative activity and the creation of students' individual educational routes.
ICT training in foreign language classes is an effective pedagogical tool for learning foreign language culture and the formation of communication skills. ICT helps to accelerate the learning process, increase students' interest in the subject, improve the quality of learning, allow you to individualize the learning process and make it possible to avoid the subjectivity of evaluation. At the same time, modern methods of learning a foreign language are mostly didactic audio materials, so the resource capabilities of the Internet educational environment allow using new interactive materials and manuals, as well as the opportunity for the teacher to independently develop a slide presentation with materials from sites. Teachers of foreign languages need to master the method of using ICT tools for the organization of personality-oriented educational process. Computer-based training programs allow students to train different types of speech activity and combine them in different combinations, to realize language phenomena, contribute to the formation of linguistic abilities, create communicative situations, automate language and speech actions, and also ensure the implementation of an individual approach and the intensification of students' independent work. Thus, the possibility of using ICT tools in teaching a foreign language is unusually wide.
In fact, there are thousands of Android Educational Language apps to improve reading, listening, speaking, grammar and writing skills. For example, learners can buy essays online to improve their writing skills. Many Android writing apps can provide learners with free or paid online essays. Actually, IELTS Essay Writing, Write My paper Online, Custom Essay Service, English essays, How to write an Essay are top rated Android Educational apps that learners can download in order to have free essay samples or to buy essays online.
This is an example to show how online tools can promote and facilitate educational management in educational institutions. ICT, MALL, and online educational platforms could be considered as the new trends in improving this field.
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