I am not a huge T.V. watcher, but I have amassed a few shows over the years that I enjoy watching. Some of these shows I watch out of pure sentimentality, and others I just really enjoy watching. My hubby and I, tend to watch YouTube mostly and only watch one or two shows together. We've been known to go into separate rooms, just so we can each watch what we want to watch and not disturb each other. It works well for us, since most of the shows he watches either deal with cars, or sci-fi, and that's not my thing!
I really enjoy watching more easy reality, and have been known to watch shows that have long since been on air, for the very first time. Plus, if I am making the time to sit down and watch something, there better be a million episodes for me to binge. We cut the cord years ago, so we're limited sometimes, with what we can watch. Most of the time I have to wait until a show puts new episodes on Netflix, or Hulu, and that can take a long time! I usually move on to something else, or go find a podcast to listen to. However, there are a few shows that I have stuck with, and will willingly continue to watch old episodes, or will wait forever for the new ones!So, with that being said, here is a list of my Guilty Pleasure Television Shows.
Guilty Pleasure TV Shows
I just binge watched all of the new episodes of Queer Eye, and now I'm getting caught up on the latest season of Top Chef. Also, I just found out that Dateline has a podcast on Iheart and I have been binge listening to episodes there, and then watching them when I have a chance. I'll eventually get to the newest season of Below Deck Mediterranean, but Cory and I like to watch this together, so I want to wait for him to watch it! The rest are easy shows that I can watch whenever, except for Downton Abbey. I no longer have a Prime account, so I have to try and catch it on PBS when it is playing the current season I'm on, and that's hard! I enjoy watching these shows in my spare time, and I'm always looking for new suggestions, as I couldn't even tell you what is currently on in prime time.
What are some of your guilty pleasure shows?
What are some of your guilty pleasure shows?
I wouldn't even know where to begin. One of my favorites is Killing Eve. We have binge watched so much lately!