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Weekends with the Wigglesworths- Hello April!

Happy Saturday, friends! Show of hands, who else out there forgot what day it was? In case you need a reminder like I did this morning, today is Saturday, April 4th, 2020. 

Our crew is doing pretty good, aside from a small case of cabin fever. I'm surprised every single day by the girls and their pleasant demeanor. Don't get me wrong, there has been some crankiness and ATTITUDE, but overall they've been dealing with this entire situation with such positivity and calmness. I'm hoping that we can surprise them today with a short trip out to get some walking in because we all could use a dose of sunshine and fresh air. Perhaps we can get some yardwork in and clean up our outdoor space a little more so that we can spend more time outside soaking up some Vitamin D!

I hope that you all have a great weekend. I'd love to hear how you are doing with all that is going on, so leave a comment below or catch up with me on the MBP Facebook Page. Remember that no matter how you are feeling, you are NOT alone! 

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