Being a mom is the best feeling in the world, but being a mom to human children and fur babies can get a little hectic. I have 2 fur babies and they love my son so much. He is their person. He has been gone for 2 months and 1 day as of today, but when E calls both animals cannot get close enough to me to hear his voice. I wouldn't change anything to feel and have the love I have in my house.
Since E was small we always had a pet, but back in 2014 we lost our beloved dog, Titan, and we swore never to get another pet. However, less than a year later and still struggling with his death I decided that a pet really makes a home. I totally tricked my husband into adopting our cat, Sara. We went to a rescue to "look" and I had him fill out the paperwork to adopt while he thought he was filling out visiting forms. He should have read the paperwork, but that day I fell in love with her and we had to take her home.
She reminded me so much of a cat I had as a teen and her loving disposition made her even more wanted. She loved E from the start. She is unlike most cats, she needs so much attention and has to lay with you all the time. I think it was her way of telling us thanks for giving her a home, but she is still the most affectionate cat I have ever met.
Sara has been such a great addition to our family that a few years later I decided it was time to get another dog. My husband refused despite numerous attempts of texting him puppy pictures, crying fits (yes, I am like that) and pestering him daily he kept saying no. Then he went back to work as a police officer and I knew this was the time to ask again. I explained that with his long hours it would make me feel safer with a dog in the house. That clicked and we started looking for a dog.
Around Christmas 2018, I found the dog I wanted. He was a little guy but looked to have the biggest personality. I have mentioned before how I stalked this dog and was able to make him ours, but every day that passes makes me happier and happier with him here. He is mommy's protector from everyone including my husband and my son. Since quarantine started, I have had unlimited time with him and now he just wants mommy all the time, but he still loves his E.
I don't know where you stand in life with regards to pets, but they truly do make a home a home. During this pandemic, I have found such peace and calm being with both of these fur babies while my husband is at work and my son is in basic training for the army. I don't feel so alone, although I could use adult conversation because what is it in us that causes us to baby talk animals? If you have thought about getting a pet please look into adoption or even fostering to see if it will work for you,
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